(512) 458-2141

What Can I Do About My Rosacea?

What Can I Do About My Rosacea

We are often asked at the medical spa what can be done about rosacea. There are a variety of topical medications, such as metronidazole, azelaic acid and sulfacetamide products as well as topical and oral antibiotics that can be beneficial in treating rosacea. We generally defer this determination to your dermatologist, in some part because these medications can often be covered by insurance if prescribed through your dermatological provider and not here in the medical spa.

In addition to meds provided by your dermatologist, we can offer a second line of defense with topical cosmeceutical grade products designed to help minimize redness, as well as Intense Pulse Light therapy, also known as IPL or Photofacial.  IPL administers varying wavelengths of light into the skin generating heat to treat pigmentation and vascular imperfections, which will not only reduce redness in the skin, but improve pore size, minimize brown spots and boost collagen production – generally brightening the skin all over. TOC Medical Spa offers these treatments using the state of the art Lumenis® M22. Talk to your provider to see if any of these alternatives are appropriate for you.


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