TOC Eye and Face - Texas Oculoplastic Consultants


Ear Reshaping Surgery

Approximately 5% of children in the U.S. are born with excessively prominent ears. This condition can affect a child’s emotional and psychologic development and impact self-image and self-confidence into adulthood. It can be especially difficult for individuals with short hair or for those who wish to wear their hair back. Otoplasty is a relatively straightforward outpatient procedure that can easily correct prominent ears.

Otoplasty - Before
Otoplasty - After
Otoplasty & Rhinoplasty

The procedure entails an incision in the natural crease behind the year and manipulation of the cartilage to change its shape to a more natural configuration. Permanent internal sutures are used to improve the position of the ears, and some cartilage and skin may be gently trimmed before closing the incisions. A light pressure dressing is applied and patients return home the same day. Occasionally, patients will use pain pills for a few days to relieve discomfort during recovery. Normal activities can be resumed within a few days following the procedure. General healing occurs within a few weeks, and full incision healing is achieved over a span of several months. Results of the procedure are usually permanent.

The TOC surgical team is committed to extraordinary results for every patient and dedicated to the uncompromising care required to achieve them. Our surgeons are experienced and skilled in otoplasty techniques and frequently lecture and train other physicians in these techniques. Utmost care is taken to reduce the risks of complications, maximize safety and to achieve the best possible aesthetic outcome. A carefully planned and executed otoplasty procedure by one of our elite surgeons can provide a significant, permanent and positive cosmetic change.

Most procedures may be performed in an ambulatory surgery center setting. Outpatient (ambulatory) surgery helps to reduce hospital costs, personal expense, and length of stay for patients needing surgery. For those times when surgery is best performed at a hospital, TOC physicians have surgical privileges at all Austin-area hospitals and many ambulatory surgery centers.

We understand that any patient may feel anxious or apprehensive about treatment. Our goal is to help you or your loved one feel at ease. We engage each patient with sensitivity and respect for his or her individual needs.

If you would like more information about otoplasty, don’t hesitate to request complimentary information from TOC by emailing us at You may also schedule a private consultation with a TOC physician.

©2025 Texas Oculoplastic Consultants

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